Nerd On! – Year of the Nerd

The Beginning

In the backroom of an Apple store, four coworkers shared their love of pop culture past, present, and coming soon. Tom, Corey, Ali, and Josh had effortless back and forth on movies, shows, and games fueled by passion and respectful discussion. This eventually led to the beginning of Nerd On! The Podcast.

Creating a show is not a task to be taken lightly, so the first meeting to discuss what Nerd On! would be occurred on August 14, 2017. It was decided that Nerd On! would be a place to bring together all levels of nerd in a welcoming environment with room for discussion. Any and every topic within the pop culture sphere was game.

Since it felt more like therapy than a project, what was originally supposed to come out every other week began coming out every week. Eventually, streaming made its way into the mix, as well as YouTube content. Any and every way to share in the excitement of nerddom with the growing Nerd On! fan base was like finding new ways to play!

New Characters Unlocked!

Things were whizzing onward and upwards, as the podcast appeared on New and Noteworthy on iTunes multiple times, and a Patreon was created with constant, steady growth. Around the 7th month of Nerd On! The Podcast, Tom and Corey’s season finale of PA’s brought on a side character, and so entered Caitlyn. Through a quick succession of meetings and interviews, she was brought on as the 5th and final host.

From that moment until now, things have escalated to an amazing degree, and we’re keeping pace. We now have written content on a brand-new website, are expanding our YouTube content on the new NerdOn TV channel, offer another podcast called Trope Time with Nikki and Izzy, and have more projects in the pipeline! We were also recently nominated on the Podcast Awards for TV and Film. NONE of this happens without all of you getting your raging nerd ons with us!

Thank You!

We’re approaching our One Year Anniversary, and wanted to say thank you for joining us on this amazing journey. Whether you’re day one fam bam or new to the show, thank you so much! To celebrate all of this progress, we’re releasing a 3-part special on Lord of the Rings:

  • Part I – The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Part II – The Two Towers
  • Part III – The Return of the King

We’re also going to do a giveaway, so keep an eye out on our social media to drop your name in the hat!
We aim to make Year 2 bigger and better than ever before. Thank every single one of you for reading, listening, watching, and spending time with us. It means to world to all of us.

And as always…

Nerd On!

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About the Author
Nerd On! is the multimedia company you didn’t need but you deserve and where All Levels Of Nerd Are Welcome! It is a weekly comedy, pop-culture podcast, in which a group of nerds in LA hangout, joke, analyze, discuss, and laugh about all things nerd! Join Ali, Caitlyn, Corey, Josh and Tom every Thursday as they discuss the things that give them raging nerd ons or what left them wanting more. From comic books to film and everything in between, the Nerd On crew tackles it all.